About us

EEDAP (Spanish School of Authentic Pilates) offers certification courses for future professionals in the Authentic Method.

Hundreds of professionals from around the world have been certified with the EEDAP school, with locations now extending beyond Barcelona to include Seville, Vigo and Porto (Portugal). All of them under the direction of Fabien Menegon


Albaladejo Castilla, Noel
Alfonso Gallardo, Joanna
Almeida, Magdalena
Amouroux, Clotilde
Aragón Valverde, Jesus
Arrrebola Moreno, Antonio Jesús
Ausellé Crosas, Albert
Belmonte Martínez, Isabel
Borrero Herencia, Beatriz
Canossa Dias, Rita
Campos Cardellat, Maria José
Cardellat Porras, Manoli
Casais Gomes, Rafael Alexandre
Ciarla, Elena
Colomer Llobet, Mireya

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